Our Companies

From outdoor gear, skis, bicycles, desks, chairs, sofas, pillows, custom cabinetry, art, unreal interior design pieces, the best quality kitchenware, cooking classes, or the perfect unique gift, our companies showcase amazing products and services

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Backcountry was born from a love of gear and a passion for exploring.

It all started here—this is the store that serves as the namesake to the Backcountry family. You’ll find the highest-performance outdoor gear as well as clothing and expert-level gear knowledge. This is camping, trail running, mountain biking, alpine and Nordic skiing, mountaineering, backpacking and more—all under one roof.

Sur La Table

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Sur La Table was founded in Seattle in 1972 by Shirley Collins, a woman with a passion for food and a fondness for community. Living in Seattle, she fell in love with Pike Place Market with its inspiring blend of products, artisans, and farmers. To her, it was a special gathering place for food lovers and culinary visionaries alike.  

When Shirley opened her first store in Pike Place Market, she was determined to assemble the best selection of cookware, gadgets, linens and books—even importing exclusive specialty items from France, her favorite culinary destination. Using the market as her inspiration, she thoughtfully filled her store with cooking tools that would bring people together in the kitchen and around the table. This sense of connection and love of French cuisine inspired the name Sur La Table, which simply means “on the table.”  

Since then, we’ve grown to over 50 stores across America, with the largest avocational cooking program in the U.S. But some things haven’t changed: We’re still the place for an unsurpassed selection of exclusive and premium-quality goods for the kitchen and table. We’re still passionate about cooking and entertaining, eager to share all we know. Whether the job entails interacting with our customers on a daily basis or providing the vital behind-the-scenes support, we’re all here for the same reason – to create happiness through cooking and sharing good food.

One Kings Lane

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Your home should be your haven, the place where you can be you. That’s why at One Kings Lane we offer products, expertise, and inspiration to help you live your style.

On our site, you’ll find designer, vintage, and exclusive home furnishings in every style—including your own. Our expert designers provide personalized design assistance, while our blog and social channels are filled with home tours, designer tips, and more inspiration. And design professionals who join our To the Trade program not only receive discounts but also benefit from a team dedicated to helping source products, match specs, and more.  

Because at One Kings Lane, we’re as passionate about helping you create a home you love as you are passionate about that home.

Touch of Modern

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Touch of Modern is the only e-commerce lifestyle brand that men come to daily to discover new and noteworthy products that reflect their unique personality and style. We deliver a constantly changing selection of products across a wide range of categories making us a one-stop shopping destination.  

Our customers value Touch of Modern’s curated services that enable easy discovery of items that tell compelling stories, start conversations, and pique curiosity. Touch of Modern was named one of the 500 fastest growing private companies in America by the Inc. 5000 for two consecutive years and was ranked as one of North America’s top 500 leading web merchants by Internet Retailer.